Tuesday, 21 February 2012


You have taken a life changing step, for clicking on this page. Your story have change, because
you have change from focusing on what you don't want to what you really want. that unconscious mind in you
is talking to you, that you need to change some situation in which you find yourself. you don't need to look any further, you have taken the best step.

1,  Is to avoid focusing on what you afraid of
2,  Try not to focus on what you want to avoid.
3,  Only think about what you really want.

UNDERSTAND THIS POINT:  if you are positive in your out look and orientation,
You will attract positive people, positive events and circumstances.

When you're very negative in your orientation, or very angry, you will attract negative angry people,
and negative angry circumstances to yourself.

The predominant thought that you are holding, in your awareness, whether those thought are conscious
or unconscious, you are creating your future.You have to be very careful, when it comes to the thought in
your mind. your thought is a powerful attraction, it automatically attract all your want and don't want.
You want your partner or husband attitude to change?  towards you, channel your mind to,Ii want him to love me more, I want more kisses,His with me only me, I love him, I want my future to be better with him,  and
our kids. All that thought is a creation.

If your thought is,Ii don't like his attitude, He slept with that and this, His good for noting, His a bad child. All this thought is also a creation. your mind will always process your thought, and law of attraction will make it happen, so if you are putting a terrible signal into the universe, you are creating terrible situation for yourself.

You know what you want, drop your shoulder, and request for your want, like a child with know option, he want something from his mother, he must mention what he want, if he does not want otherwise. and he must push for it, and show to his mother, that his desperate ,be desperate in your thought, think positively.

IS TRUE SOMETIMES IS HAD TO LAUGH: because you are too sad, but the bad news is, that you
will create more bad situation, because of your bad feelings.

MOST PEOPLE ARE SAD, but they learn to manage there emotions, life is pain, we have to get use to it.
there is know other way, what you can do is  to appreciate yourself more. Holding on to pain can cause you deep emotional injury. and there is no doubt that the reaction that may follow can seriously hamper and interfere with your life.

THE GOOD NEW IS: you don't need a thing to turn all this pain around, YOU JUST NEED TO SEAT DOWN, AND TALK TO YOURSELF, THAT I NEED A CHANGE. turn on the radio, listening to that music, that make you dance the best. you don't have to start dancing just like that, if you don't feel like. just take your time, listening to the music don't allow interference, is your time to refresh your soul, and feed yourself the food that your mind need "POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"TO YOURSELF ALONE.

All you need now, is to open your eyes, and see all that you want is all around you. you can see law of attraction everywhere. And understand that you draw everything that is happening to you with the power of your thought and IS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

Start enjoyng that your job, beautiful children, circumstances, the health, wealth, stop thinking about that debt, thinking about abundance instead, JOY!


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